Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas, the Axxessories Way, Part 1

Hey there! I'd like to introduce a line of felt Christmas stockings, embellished with ribbons, beads and a little bit of the fluffy goodness!

These socks are made out of felt, fabric ribbons and depending on the design, some of them will have fake feather boa and beads too.

They were recently featured in the Axxessories Facebook Fan Page. The first Facebook Fan to comment on each photo will get the item for free*. One lucky fan has won the Lady Gaga-inspired JES 01, and the other two are still up for grabs!

So get over to Facebook today, click the 'Like' button to be a fan, and you can be in the running to win some cool surprises reserved only for Facebook Fans!

To purchase, kindly e-mail your order in the format below to
(yes, it's spelled as axxessoirees):


Email Address:

Contact no.:


Item code:

Additional notes:

*prices quoted do not include delivery charges

Watch out for this space, because there's more to come, and it's not just stockings!:-)

P/S: A Facebook Fan who has won an item by commenting on the item's photo will not be eligible to win other items in the same album. This is to make sure that other fans have a chance to win an item.

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